Why Do I Write "Jurnal" Posts

by - November 18, 2018


i just want to thank everyone who read my "Jurnal" posts on this blog, thank you for listening to me. you really made my day. i feel bless. because as you know the reason why i write since i was a kid on previous post.

and i'm gonna tell you something about that "Jurnal" posts, why do i write about it because it sounds like privacy? yeah. so, the reason is because not everyone knows how sad i am when doctor said there's something wrong in my lungs. why do i feel so deeply sad? because i just have ONE person who hears me to understand and to love, not to just give me some kind of replies. i want something REAL and pure. should i talk to myself about it? tell myself i am not worthy because of this fucking trouble in the lungs? tell myself i should pleased everyone to love and care about me? people will say "SHE'S CRAZY".

i'm gonna write about everything I've been through. it's kinda my self-healing. i feel so much better when i did that. so that writing is my self-healing. please don't judge me for writing the "Jurnal" posts, because i feel better when i did that. if you don't want to read these, just click the 'X' symbol above on your tab. i don't want to push you in to my stories.

so, thank you for reading these. have a great day!


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